List of all documented classes with a brief descriptions of each.
Namespace | Name | Description |
Reflection | Arguments | This class can hold arguments for a function or method call. |
BaseEntity | Baseclass for CBaseEntity. | |
BaseItem | Baseclass for CItem. | |
BaseMonster | Baseclass for CBaseMonster. | |
BasePlayerAmmo | Baseclass for CBasePlayerAmmo. | |
BasePlayerItem | Baseclass for CBasePlayerItem. | |
BasePlayerWeapon | Baseclass for CBasePlayerWeapon. | |
BaseTank | Baseclass for CBaseTank. | |
BLOB | Binary Large OBject class used for storing arbitrary amounts of binary data. | |
CActivityMap | Activity map | |
CAdminControl | Admin control panel. | |
Reflection | Callable | Reflection base class for callable objects. |
CAngelscript | Angelscript debugging functions | |
CBaseAnimating | All entities that can animate derive from this | |
CBaseButton | Button entity base class | |
CBaseDelay | All entities that can trigger with a delay derive from this | |
CBaseDoor | Door entity base class | |
CBaseEntity | All entities derive from this | |
CBaseMonster | Monster entity base class | |
CBasePlayer | Player entity base class | |
CBasePlayerAmmo | Player ammo class | |
CBasePlayerItem | Player item base class | |
CBasePlayerWeapon | Player Weapon entity base class | |
CBaseTank | Tank base class | |
CBaseToggle | All entities that can be toggled derive from this | |
CBeam | Beam class | |
CCineMonster | Cinematic monster entity base class | |
CClassicMode | Classic Mode handler | |
CClientCommand | Client console command class | |
CCommand | Command arguments. | |
CConCommand | Console command class | |
CConCommandSystem | Script console command manager. | |
CCustomEntityFuncs | Custom entity functions. | |
CCVar | CVar class | |
CDebugger | Debugger | |
CDecals | Dynamic decal manager | |
CEngine | Engine global variables | |
CEngineFuncs | Engine functions | |
CEntityFuncs | Global entity functions | |
CEntityLoader | Entity loader. | |
CGame | Game functions | |
CGib | Gib class | |
CGlobalState | Global state manager | |
CGrenade | Grenade class | |
char | Char value type | |
CInventoryMisc | Misc functions for handling inventories across classes | |
CItem | Generic item class | |
CItemInventory | Item_inventory entity class | |
CItemRegistry | Item registry. | |
CLaser | Laser class | |
CLog | This class can log data to the Angelscript log file. | |
CMap | Map state variables | |
CMapCycle | Map cycle read only manager | |
CMath | Math functions | |
CModelFuncs | Model functions | |
CModule | Module class. | |
CModuleHookManager | Module hook manager | |
CPathCondition | Path condition entity | |
CPathTrack | Path track class | |
CPersistence | Persistence manager | |
CPlayerFuncs | Global player functions | |
CPluginManager | Plugin manager for handling basic plugin operations | |
Reflection | CReflection | Reflection global used for generial purpose needs. |
CScheduledFunction | Handle to a scheduled function | |
CScheduler | Scheduler for calling functions. | |
CScriptInfo | Script info object. | |
CSound | Sound class used by CSoundEnt | |
CSoundEngine | Sound engine. | |
CSoundEnt | Sound manager entity. Manages sound events made in the world, like gunfire. | |
CSprite | Sprite class | |
CStartInventory | Player start inventory manager | |
CSurvivalMode | Survival Mode handler | |
CTextMenu | Text menu. | |
CTextMenuItem | Text menu item. Do not store handles to this object. | |
CTextMenus | Text menu manager. | |
CustomEntityCallbackHandler | Custom entity callback handler. Is used to set callbacks to methods | |
CustomKeyvalue | Custom keyvalue. Only use this as a local variable, do not store them! | |
CustomKeyvalues | Custom keyvalues. Do not keep handles to instances of these objects. | |
CUtility | Utility methods | |
Cvar | Cvar structure | |
CVirtualFileSystem | Virtual File System | |
CWeaponFuncs | Weapon functions class. | |
DamageInfo | Damage info structure | |
DateTime | DateTime class. | |
edict_t | Entity dictionary structure | |
EHandle | Safe way to point to CBaseEntities who may die between frames. | |
entvars_t | Networked entity variables | |
File | File class. | |
FileQuota | Represents a quota that filesystems adhere to when handling write operations. | |
Reflection | Function | Reflection function class. Can be used to call global functions. |
GlobalEntity | Global state entity | |
HUDNumDisplayParams | Holds parameters for custom numeric/time display. | |
HUDSpriteParams | Holds parameters for custom sprite. | |
HUDTextParams | Parameters for text output to the HUD. | |
InventoryList | Structure for a list of item_inventory's stored within CBaseMonster | |
InventoryRules | Inventory rules: Contained by CBaseToggle to hold and | |
Reflection | IReflectionGroup | Reflection group. Represents a group of reflectable objects. |
ItemInfo | Item info object. | |
ItemMapping | Item mapping for classic mode. | |
KeyValueBuffer | Buffer containing keyvalue pairs | |
Regex | MatchResults | Regular expression match results |
Reflection | Method | Reflection method class. Can be used to call object methods. |
MonsterEvent | Monster event type | |
NetworkMessage | Network message class. Used to send messages to clients. | |
Reflection | ObjectType | Represents an object type |
Observer | Observer mode management class. | |
Regex | Regex | Represents a regular expression |
Reflection | ReturnValue | Reflection return value. |
RGBA | Color stored as four uint8 components | |
SayParameters | ClientSay parameters | |
Schedule | Schedule for monsters to follow. | |
ScriptBaseAnimating | Custom entity for CBaseAnimating | |
ScriptBaseEntity | Custom entity for CBaseEntity | |
ScriptBaseItemEntity | Custom entity for CItem | |
ScriptBaseMonsterEntity | Custom entity for CBaseMonster | |
ScriptBasePlayerAmmoEntity | Custom entity for CBasePlayerAmmo | |
ScriptBasePlayerItemEntity | Custom entity for CBasePlayerItem | |
ScriptBasePlayerWeaponEntity | Custom entity for CBasePlayerWeapon | |
ScriptBaseTankEntity | Custom entity for CBaseTank | |
ScriptSchedule | Script schedule class | |
ScriptTask | Script task class | |
string | String type | |
string_t | Opaque handle to a pooled string. | |
Regex | SubMatch | Regular expression submatch |
Task | Task for monsters to execute. | |
TimeDifference | Represents the difference between 2 times. | |
TraceResult | Trace result structure | |
Vector | 3D Vector | |
Vector2D | 2D Vector | |
Vote | Vote class. Can be used to start custom votes. | |
Waypoint | Waypoint for monsters to follow. |