Global Properties
Properties that are accessible at a global level.
Namespace | Declaration | Description |
const float WORLD_BOUNDARY | Distance from the world origin to the world boundary in a single axis Value: 65536.0 |
String | const CompareType DEFAULT_COMPARE | Default comparison type. |
String | const string EMPTY_STRING | Empty string. Useful when a reference to a string is needed. |
String | const string WHITESPACE_CHARACTERS | A string that contains one instance of every whitespace character. |
String | const size_t INVALID_INDEX | Sentinel value used by string methods. Value: 4294967295 |
String | const size_t NO_MORE_TOKENS | Sentinel value used by string tokenization when there are no tokens remaining. Value: 4294967294 |
Reflection | CReflection g_Reflection | Reflection global class instance. |
CVirtualFileSystem g_FileSystem | Global file system instance | |
CDebugger g_Debugger | Debugger instance. | |
const Vector g_vecZero | Zero vector (0, 0, 0) | |
CMath Math | Math functions instance | |
const float VIEW_FIELD_FULL | Full view field Value: -1.0 |
const float VIEW_FIELD_WIDE | Wide view field Value: -0.7 |
const float VIEW_FIELD_NARROW | Narrow view field Value: 0.7 |
const float VIEW_FIELD_ULTRA_NARROW | Ultra narrow view field Value: 0.9 |
CDecals g_Decals | Dynamic decal manager instance | |
CActivityMap g_ActivityMap | Activity map instance | |
Schedules | Schedule slIdleStand | |
Schedules | Schedule slIdleTrigger | |
Schedules | Schedule slIdleWalk | |
Schedules | Schedule slWakeAngry | |
Schedules | Schedule slAlertFace | |
Schedules | Schedule slAlertStand | |
Schedules | Schedule slCombatStand | |
Schedules | Schedule slCombatFace | |
Schedules | Schedule slReload | |
Schedules | Schedule slRangeAttack1 | |
Schedules | Schedule slRangeAttack2 | |
Schedules | Schedule slChaseEnemy | |
Schedules | Schedule slSmallFlinch | |
Schedules | Schedule slDie | |
Schedules | Schedule slError | |
Schedules | Schedule slWalkToScript | |
Schedules | Schedule slRunToScript | |
Schedules | Schedule slWaitScript | |
Schedules | Schedule slTakeCoverFromBestSound | |
Schedules | Schedule slFail | |
const size_t MAX_OLD_ENEMIES | How many old enemies to remember Value: 4 |
const size_t ROUTE_SIZE | How many waypoints a monster can store at one time Value: 8 |
const Vector VEC_HULL_MIN | Default hull minimum. Used with CEntityFuncs::SetSize Value: (-16.0, -16.0, -36.0) |
const Vector VEC_HULL_MAX | Default hull maximum. Used with CEntityFuncs::SetSize Value: (16.0, 16.0, 36.0) |
const Vector VEC_HUMAN_HULL_MIN | Default human hull maximum. Used with CEntityFuncs::SetSize Value: (-16.0, -16.0, 0.0) |
const Vector VEC_HUMAN_HULL_MAX | Default human hull maximum while standing. Used with CEntityFuncs::SetSize Value: (16.0, 16.0, 72.0) |
const Vector VEC_HUMAN_HULL_DUCK | Default human hull maximum while ducking. Used with CEntityFuncs::SetSize Value: (16.0, 16.0, 36.0) |
const Vector VEC_VIEW | View offset. Value: (0.0, 0.0, 28.0) |
const Vector VEC_DUCK_HULL_MIN | Hull minimum while ducking. Used with CEntityFuncs::SetSize Value: (-16.0, -16.0, -18.0) |
const Vector VEC_DUCK_HULL_MAX | Hull maximum while ducking. Used with CEntityFuncs::SetSize Value: (16.0, 16.0, 18.0) |
const Vector VEC_DUCK_VIEW | Hull view offset while ducking. Value: (0.0, 0.0, 12.0) |
const size_t MAX_AMMO_TYPES | Maximum number of ammo types Value: 64 |
const size_t MAX_ITEM_TYPES | HUD item selection slots Value: 10 |
const float AUTOAIM_2DEGREES | Autoaim Value: 0.034899 |
const float AUTOAIM_5DEGREES | Autoaim Value: 0.087156 |
const float AUTOAIM_8DEGREES | Autoaim Value: 0.139173 |
const float AUTOAIM_10DEGREES | Autoaim Value: 0.173648 |
const float PLAYERCOMMAND_WAIT | Time between player vocal client commands Value: 4.0 |
CEngineFuncs g_EngineFuncs | Engine functions instance | |
CModelFuncs g_ModelFuncs | Model functions instance | |
const size_t MAX_WORLD_SOUNDS | maximum number of sounds handled by the world at one time. See CSoundEnt. Value: 1024 |
const int SOUNDLIST_EMPTY | Indicates that the sound list is empty. See CSoundEnt. Value: -1 |
const int SOUNDLISTTYPE_FREE | Identifiers passed to functions that can operate on either list, to indicate which list to operate on. See CSoundEnt. Value: 1 |
const int SOUNDLISTTYPE_ACTIVE | Identifiers passed to functions that can operate on either list, to indicate which list to operate on. See CSoundEnt. Value: 2 |
const int SOUND_NEVER_EXPIRE | With this set as a sound's ExpireTime, the sound will never expire. See CSoundEnt. Value: -1 |
CInventoryMisc g_InventoryMisc | Inventory misc functions instance | |
const int LOUD_GUN_VOLUME | Parameter for CSoundEnt::InsertSound iVolume Value: 1536 |
const int NORMAL_GUN_VOLUME | Parameter for CSoundEnt::InsertSound iVolume Value: 1024 |
const int QUIET_GUN_VOLUME | Parameter for CSoundEnt::InsertSound iVolume Value: 200 |
const int BRIGHT_GUN_FLASH | Value used in CBasePlayer::m_iWeaponFlash Value: 512 |
const int NORMAL_GUN_FLASH | Value used in CBasePlayer::m_iWeaponFlash Value: 256 |
const int DIM_GUN_FLASH | Value used in CBasePlayer::m_iWeaponFlash Value: 128 |
const int BIG_EXPLOSION_VOLUME | Parameter for CSoundEnt::InsertSound iVolume Value: 2048 |
const int NORMAL_EXPLOSION_VOLUME | Parameter for CSoundEnt::InsertSound iVolume Value: 1024 |
const int SMALL_EXPLOSION_VOLUME | Parameter for CSoundEnt::InsertSound iVolume Value: 512 |
const int WEAPON_ACTIVITY_VOLUME | Parameter for CSoundEnt::InsertSound iVolume Value: 64 |
const Vector VECTOR_CONE_1DEGREES | (0.008730, 0.008730, 0.008730) | |
const Vector VECTOR_CONE_2DEGREES | (0.017450, 0.017450, 0.017450) | |
const Vector VECTOR_CONE_3DEGREES | (0.026180, 0.026180, 0.026180) | |
const Vector VECTOR_CONE_4DEGREES | (0.034900, 0.034900, 0.034900) | |
const Vector VECTOR_CONE_5DEGREES | (0.043620, 0.043620, 0.043620) | |
const Vector VECTOR_CONE_6DEGREES | (0.052340, 0.052340, 0.052340) | |
const Vector VECTOR_CONE_7DEGREES | (0.061050, 0.061050, 0.061050) | |
const Vector VECTOR_CONE_8DEGREES | (0.069760, 0.069760, 0.069760) | |
const Vector VECTOR_CONE_9DEGREES | (0.078460, 0.078460, 0.078460) | |
const Vector VECTOR_CONE_10DEGREES | (0.087160, 0.087160, 0.087160) | |
const Vector VECTOR_CONE_15DEGREES | (0.130530, 0.130530, 0.130530) | |
const Vector VECTOR_CONE_20DEGREES | (0.173650, 0.173650, 0.173650) | |
const int WEAPON_NOCLIP | Used for clips that don't use ammo. Value: -1 |
CItemRegistry g_ItemRegistry | Item registry global instance. | |
CEntityLoader g_EntityLoader | Entity loader global instance | |
CCustomEntityFuncs g_CustomEntityFuncs | Custom entity functions global instance. | |
CUtility g_Utility | Utility methods instance | |
CGame g_Game | Game functions instance | |
const float ATTN_NONE | 0.0 | |
const float ATTN_NORM | 0.8 | |
const float ATTN_IDLE | 2.0 | |
const float ATTN_STATIC | 1.25 | |
const float VOL_NORM | Volume value normal Value: 1.0 |
CSoundEngine g_SoundSystem | Sound engine instance | |
CEngine g_Engine | Engine global variables instance | |
const uint FTRACE_SIMPLEBOX | Goes into g_Engine.trace_flags Traceline with a simple box Value: 1 |
CEntityFuncs g_EntityFuncs | Global entity functions instance | |
const RGBA RGBA_WHITE | White (255, 255, 255, 255) |
const RGBA RGBA_BLACK | Black (0, 0, 0, 255) |
const RGBA RGBA_RED | Red (255, 0, 0, 255) |
const RGBA RGBA_GREEN | Green (0, 255, 0, 255) |
const RGBA RGBA_BLUE | Blue (0, 0, 255, 255) |
const RGBA RGBA_YELLOW | Yellow (255, 255, 0, 255) |
const RGBA RGBA_ORANGE | Orange (255, 128, 0, 255) |
const RGBA RGBA_SVENCOOP | Sven Co-op HUD color (100, 130, 200, 255) |
CPlayerFuncs g_PlayerFuncs | Global player functions instance | |
CWeaponFuncs g_WeaponFuncs | Weapon functions global instance. | |
CGlobalState g_GlobalState | Global state manager instance | |
CAngelscript g_Angelscript | Angelscript debugging functions instance | |
CMapCycle g_MapCycle | Map cycle manager instance | |
CMap g_Map | Map state variables instance | |
CPluginManager g_PluginManager | Plugin manager global instance. | |
CStartInventory g_StartInventory | Player start inventory manager instance | |
CTextMenus g_TextMenus | Text menu manager global instance | |
CAdminControl g_AdminControl | CAdminControl instance for plugins | |
CLog g_Log | Log global instance | |
CConCommandSystem g_ConCommandSystem | CConCommandSystem global instance | |
CClassicMode g_ClassicMode | Classic Mode global instance. | |
CSurvivalMode g_SurvivalMode | Survival Mode global instance. | |
Hooks::Weapon | const uint32 WeaponTertiaryAttack | Called when a player fires a weapon's tertiary attack. Value: 0 |
Hooks::Weapon | const uint32 WeaponSecondaryAttack | Called when a player fires a weapon's secondary attack. Value: 1 |
Hooks::Weapon | const uint32 WeaponPrimaryAttack | Called when a player fires a weapon's primary attack. Value: 2 |
Hooks::Player | const uint32 PlayerPreDecal | Called when a player attempts to spraypaint a decal onto a surface. The given trace result contains the surface information. Set bResult to false if the player shouldn't be able to spray. Value: 3 |
Hooks::Player | const uint32 PlayerDecal | Called when a player is spraypainting a decal onto a surface. The given trace result contains the surface information. Value: 4 |
Hooks::Player | const uint32 GetPlayerSpawnSpot | Called when a player is about to get a spawn point before (re)spawning. Value: 5 |
Hooks::Player | const uint32 PlayerPostThink | Called when the player is processing post think events. Value: 6 |
Hooks::Player | const uint32 PlayerPreThink | Called when the player is processing pre think events. Value: 7 |
Hooks::Player | const uint32 PlayerUse | Called when the game is processing player use input. Note that this occurs even if the player has not pressed their use key. Value: 8 |
Hooks::Player | const uint32 PlayerLeftObserver | Called when a player leaves observer mode. Value: 9 |
Hooks::Player | const uint32 PlayerEnteredObserver | Called when a player enters observer mode. Value: 10 |
Hooks::Player | const uint32 PlayerKilled | Called when a player is killed. Value: 11 |
Hooks::Player | const uint32 PlayerTakeDamage | Called when a player takes damage. Note that the victim entity can't be changed at this point. Value: 12 |
Hooks::Player | const uint32 PlayerCanRespawn | Called when the game wants to know if the player should be able to respawn or not.Set bCanRespawn to false to disallow, default true. Value: 13 |
Hooks::Player | const uint32 PlayerSpawn | Called when a player (re)spawns. Value: 14 |
Hooks::Player | const uint32 ClientConnected | Called when a player connects to the server. if bDisallowJoin is set to false, the player is disconnected. szRejectReason is shown to the player if disconnected. The maximum length of the reject reason string is 127 characters. Value: 15 |
Hooks::PickupObject | const uint32 Collected | Called when a pickup object is collected by a player. Value: 16 |
Hooks::PickupObject | const uint32 Materialize | Called when a pickup object materializes. Value: 17 |
Hooks::PickupObject | const uint32 CanCollect | Called when a pickup object is about to be collected by a player. Note that basic checks are done before this hook is called. Value: 18 |
Hooks::Player | const uint32 CanPlayerUseReservedSlot | Called when a player connects to the server, and the number of slots left on the server is <= the number of reserved slots. Set bAllowJoin to true to allow the player to join (default false). Value: 19 |
Hooks::Player | const uint32 ClientSay | Called when a player says something in game chat. The SayParameters class can be used to manipulate input and veto the message. Value: 20 |
Hooks::Player | const uint32 ClientPutInServer | Called when a player has finished connecting and is put into the world. It is safe to send network messages to the player at this point. Value: 21 |
Hooks::Player | const uint32 ClientDisconnect | Called when a player disconnects. Note that this is only called if the player was fully connected, meaning the player went through ClientPutInServer. This is never called for the local host. Value: 22 |
Hooks::Game | const uint32 EntityCreated | Called when a new entity is created. At this point the entity is not spawned yet and may not be fully initialized. Value: 23 |
Hooks::Game | const uint32 MapChange | Called when the map changes. This happens when the world is destroyed. There may still be entities that exist at this point. Value: 24 |