Namespace: Reflection
Represents an object type
Type: Reference
Declaration | Description |
uint GetMethodCount() const | Gets the number of methods this object type has. |
Method@ GetMethodByIndex(uint uiIndex) const | Gets the method at the given index. |
Method@ GetMethod(const string& in szFunctionSignature) | Gets a method by declaration. |
bool MethodExists(const string& in szFunctionSignature) | Gets a method by declaration. |
bool Equals(const ObjectType@ pObjectType) const | Returns whether the given object type is identical to this one. |
bool IsCompatible(const ObjectType@ pObjectType) const | Returns whether the given object type is compatible with this one. |
bool DerivesFrom(const string& in szName) const | Returns whether this object derives from the given type. |
bool DerivesFrom(const ObjectType@ pObjectType) const | Returns whether this object derives from the given type. |