
Text menu.

Type: Reference


Declaration Description
CTextMenu@ CTextMenu(TextMenuPlayerSlotCallback@ inputCB) Constructor. You must pass a player slot callback and handle the input yourself.
TextMenuId_t get_Id() const Gets this text menu's id. If CTextMenus::INVALID_TEXT_MENU_ID, this is an unregistered menu.
bool IsRegistered() const Returns whether this menu is registered or not.
bool Register() Registers this text menu.
void Unregister() Unregisters this text menu.
void Open(const int iDisplayTime, const uint page, array<edict_t@>@ pPlayers = null) Opens the menu and keeps it open for the given amount of time.
Time must be a positive value. Maximum 255 seconds. Pass 0 for infinite.
You can optionally pass a list of players that receive this menu.
void Open(const int iDisplayTime, const uint page, CBasePlayer@ pPlayer) Opens the menu and keeps it open for the given amount of time.
Time must be a positive value. Maximum 255 seconds. Pass 0 for infinite.
You must pass the player that receives this menu.
size_t GetItemCount() const Gets the number of items in this menu.
uint GetPageCount() const Gets the number of pages in this menu.
const CTextMenuItem@ GetItem(const size_t uiIndex) const Gets the item at the given index.
const string& GetTitle() const Gets the title.
void SetTitle(const string& in szTitle) Sets the title.
void AddItem( const string& in szName, any@ pUserData = null) Adds an item to the menu.