
Networked entity variables

Type: Reference


Declaration Description
bool ClassNameIs(const string& in szClassName) Returns whether the given class name is this entity's class name
int8 get_controller(uint) Get entity controller by index (0..3). Used by entities with studio models to get bone controller settings.
void set_controller(uint, int8) Set entity controller by index (0..3, 0..255) Used by entities with studio models to set bone controller settings.
int8 get_blending(uint) Get entity blending by index (0..1). Used by entities with models to get x or y axis blending.
void set_blending(uint, int8) Set entity blending by index (0..1, 0..255). Used by entities with models to set x or y axis blending.
bool SpawnFlagBitSet(int iFlags) Returns whether the given flag(s) are set on the entvars spawnflags variable
bool FlagBitSet(int iFlags) Returns whether the given flag(s) are set on the entvars flags variable
edict_t@ get_pContainingEntity() const Entity containing entity. pContainingEntity.vars equals this entvars instance.


Declaration Description
const string_t classname The entity class name
string_t globalname The entity global name
Vector origin Entity origin. Must be set using g_EntityFuncs.SetOrigin.
Vector oldorigin Old entity origin. Used by some entities to store off their original origin before moving to a different location.
Vector velocity Entity velocity
Vector basevelocity Entity base velocity. Used when standing on another entity that applies velocity to entities standing on it, for instance conveyors.
Vector movedir Entity move direction. Used by some entities for movement directions, but some entities use it for other purposes.
Vector angles Entity angles, in degrees.
Vector avelocity Entity angular velocity, in degrees/sec. Applied to the entity's angles.
Vector punchangle Player punch angle. These angles are applied to players when they are 'punched'.These angles are automatically interpolated back to the null vector over time.
Vector v_angle Player view angle. These are the angles used for the player's view, and differ from the regular angles variable.
Vector endpos Entity end position. Reserved for future use.
Vector startpos Entity start position. Reserved for future use.
float impacttime Entity impact time. Reserved for future use.
float starttime Entity start time. Reserved for future use.
int fixangle Entity fix angle. Engine uses this value to change player view angles, and then resets it to FAM_NOTHING. See FixAngleMode enum.
float idealpitch Entity ideal pitch. Used in conjunction with pitch_speed to interpolate the entity's current pitch angle to this value.
float pitch_speed Entity pitch speed. See idealpitch.
float ideal_yaw Entity ideal yaw. Used in conjunction with yaw_speed to interpolate the entity's current yaw angle to this value.
float yaw_speed Entity yaw speed. See ideal_yaw.
const int modelindex Entity model index. If this entity has a model, is the unique index of the model. Otherwise, is 0.
string_t model The entity model name. If this entity has a model, is the name of that model. Otherwise, is an empty string.Use g_EntityFuncs.SetModel to set this variable.
string_t viewmodel Player view model index. If this player has a visible weapon, is the name of that view (v_) model. Otherwise, is an empty string.
string_t weaponmodel Entity weapon model index. If this player has a visible weapon, is the name of that third person (p_) model. Otherwise, is an empty string.
Vector absmin Entity absolute minimum size. Is an absolute position in the world. Automatically updated by the engine.
Vector absmax Entity absolute maximum size. Is an absolute position in the world. Automatically updated by the engine.
Vector mins Entity minimum size. Relative to the player's origin.
Vector maxs Entity maximum size. Relative to the player's origin.
Vector size Entity size. Equivalent to maxs - mins
float ltime Entity ltime. The last time this entity has executed its think function. Otherwise, is 0.
float nextthink Entity next think time. The next time this entity will execute its think function, as an absolute time value. Otherwise, is 0.
int movetype Entity movetype
See MOVETYPE enum.
int solid Entity solid flag
See SOLID enum.
int skin Entity skin index. Used by entities with studio models to set which skin to use.
int body Entity body index. Used by entities with studio models to set which body to use.
int effects Entity effects
See EFFECTS enum.
float gravity Entity gravity. Is a scalar between 0 and 1, inclusive.
float friction Entity friction. Is a scalar between 0 and 1, inclusive.
int light_level Player only light level. This is a single value between 0 and 255 inclusive. Use g_EngineFuncs.GetEntityIllum to retrieve this value.
int sequence Entity sequence. Used by entities with studio models to set which sequence to use.
int gaitsequence Entity gait sequence. Used by entities with studio models for walking sequences.
float frame Entity frame. Used by entities with studio models to set the current frame that a sequence is using. Automatically incremented.Used by brush models for animated textures: 1 for animated, 0 for off.
float animtime Entity animation time. Used for internal operations.
float framerate Entity framerate. used by entities with studio models to control sequence frame rate.
float scale Entity rendering scale (0..255). Applies to studio and sprite models.
int rendermode Entity render mode. See RenderModes enum.
float renderamt Entity render amount (0..255)
Vector rendercolor Entity render color (rgb)
int renderfx Entity render fx
float health Entity health. Do not set directly unless you are absolutely sure you know what you are doing.
float frags Entity frags. Usually used for the number of kills or score.
int weapons Entity weapons bit vector. Largely used by monsters to track which weapons they have, and by players for internal purposes.
float takedamage Entity take damage flag
See DAMAGE enum.
int deadflag Entity dead flag
See DEAD enum.
Vector view_ofs Entity view offset. Used to set an eye offset.
int button Entity button bit vector. Usually used to track which buttons the player is currently pressing.
int impulse Entity impulse bit vector. Used for various internal operations.
edict_t@ chain Entity pointer when linked into a linked list. Used for temporary lists.
edict_t@ dmg_inflictor Entity damage inflictor
edict_t@ enemy Entity enemy
edict_t@ aiment Entity pointer when MOVETYPE_FOLLOW
edict_t@ owner Entity owner
edict_t@ groundentity Entity ground entity
int spawnflags Entity spawn flags
int flags Entity flags
See EdictFlags enum.
int colormap Entity color map. Used for player model colors.
int team Entity team. Reserved for future use.
float max_health Entity maximum health
float teleport_time Entity teleport time. Intended for internal operations.
float armortype Entity armor type. Represents maximum armor (similar to max_health).
float armorvalue Entity armor value
int waterlevel Entity water level
int watertype Player only. Contains the type of water contents the player is currently in. See CONTENTS enum.
string_t target The entity target. If set, is the name of one or more targets to trigger. Otherwise, is empty.
string_t targetname The entity target name
string_t netname The entity net name. Used for various things, such as the player's name.
string_t message The entity message. Used for various things.
float dmg_take Entity damage take. Used for internal operations.
float dmg_save Entity damage save. Used for internal operations.
float dmg Entity damage. Usually stores how much damage this entity can do to other entities.
float dmgtime Entity damage time. Time at which this entity last took damage. Usually used to limit damage effects from being shown too often.
string_t noise Entity noise. Usually used to store a sound name.
string_t noise1 Entity noise 1. Usually used to store a sound name.
string_t noise2 Entity noise 2. Usually used to store a sound name.
string_t noise3 Entity noise 3. Usually used to store a sound name.
float speed Entity speed
float air_finished Player air finished. Time at which the player runs out of air when underwater.
float pain_finished Player pain finished. Time at which the player can take damage again while drowning.
float radsuit_finished Entity radiation suit finished. Reserved for future use.
int playerclass Entity player class. Reserved for future use.
float maxspeed Entity maximum speed
float fov Player field of view
int weaponanim Player weapon animation
int pushmsec Entity push milliseconds. Used for internal operations.
int bInDuck Entity ducking flag. Used for internal operations.
int flTimeStepSound Entity time of step sound. Used for internal operations.
int flSwimTime Entity swim time. Used for internal operations.
int flDuckTime Entity duck time. Used for internal operations.
int iStepLeft Entity step left flag. Used for internal operations.
float flFallVelocity Player fall velocity.
int gamestate Entity gamestate. Reserved for future use.
int oldbuttons Player old buttons. Previous frame's contents of buttons.
int groupinfo Entity group info. Used for internal operations.
int iuser1 User variable 1 (integer)
int iuser2 User variable 2 (integer)
int iuser3 User variable 3 (integer)
int iuser4 User variable 4 (integer)
float fuser1 User variable 1 (float)
float fuser2 User variable 2 (float)
float fuser3 User variable 3 (float)
float fuser4 User variable 4 (float)
Vector vuser1 User variable 1 (Vector)
Vector vuser2 User variable 2 (Vector)
Vector vuser3 User variable 3 (Vector)
Vector vuser4 User variable 4 (Vector)
edict_t@ euser1 User variable 1 (Edict)
edict_t@ euser2 User variable 2 (Edict)
edict_t@ euser3 User variable 3 (Edict)
edict_t@ euser4 User variable 4 (Edict)