
Item info object.

Type: Value


Declaration Description
void ItemInfo() Constructor
void ItemInfo(const ItemInfo& in other) Constructor
ItemInfo& opAssign(const ItemInfo& in other) Assignment operator
string szName() const Gets the name of this weapon.
string szAmmo1() const Gets the primary ammo name of this weapon.
string szAmmo2() const Gets the secondary ammo name of this weapon.


Declaration Description
int iId Item id.
int iSlot Item HUD slot.
int iPosition Item HUD slot position.
int iFlags Item flags.
int iWeight Item weight.
This value used to determine this weapon's importance in autoselection.
int iMaxAmmo1 Item primary max ammo. -1 if this weapon does not use primary ammo.
int iAmmo1Drop Amount of dropped primary ammo.
int iMaxAmmo2 Item secondary max ammo. -1 if this weapon does not use secondary ammo.
int iAmmo2Drop Amount of dropped secondary ammo.
int iMaxClip Item primary ammo max clip contents.