
Represents the difference between 2 times.

Type: Value


Declaration Description
void TimeDifference() Default constructor
void TimeDifference(const TimeDifference& in other) Copy constructor
void TimeDifference(double flValue) Sets the time difference to the given value, in seconds
void TimeDifference(const DateTime& in end, const DateTime& in begin) Sets the time difference to the range between beginning and end. If begin is later than end, is negative.
void TimeDifference(const DateTime& in time) Sets the time difference to the range between 0 and time.
TimeDifference& opAssign(const TimeDifference& in other) Assignment operator
TimeDifference& opAssign(double timeDiff) Assignment operator
TimeDifference& opAssign( const DateTime& in time) Assignment operator
double GetTimeDifference() const Gets the time difference
bool IsPositive() const Returns whether the time difference is positive.
int GetSeconds() const Gets the time difference in seconds.
int GetMinutes() const Gets the time difference in minutes.
int GetHours() const Gets the time difference in hours.
int GetDays() const Gets the time difference in days.
int GetYears() const Gets the time difference in years.
void MakeAbsolute() Makes the time difference absolute.
void SetDifferenceBetween(const DateTime& in end, const DateTime& in begin) Sets the time difference to the range between beginning and end. If begin is later than end, is negative.
void SetTime(const DateTime& in time) Sets the time difference to the range between 0 and time.