Represents the difference between 2 times.
Type: Value
Declaration | Description |
void TimeDifference() | Default constructor |
void TimeDifference(const TimeDifference& in other) | Copy constructor |
void TimeDifference(double flValue) | Sets the time difference to the given value, in seconds |
void TimeDifference(const DateTime& in end, const DateTime& in begin) | Sets the time difference to the range between beginning and end. If begin is later than end, is negative. |
void TimeDifference(const DateTime& in time) | Sets the time difference to the range between 0 and time. |
TimeDifference& opAssign(const TimeDifference& in other) | Assignment operator |
TimeDifference& opAssign(double timeDiff) | Assignment operator |
TimeDifference& opAssign( const DateTime& in time) | Assignment operator |
double GetTimeDifference() const | Gets the time difference |
bool IsPositive() const | Returns whether the time difference is positive. |
int GetSeconds() const | Gets the time difference in seconds. |
int GetMinutes() const | Gets the time difference in minutes. |
int GetHours() const | Gets the time difference in hours. |
int GetDays() const | Gets the time difference in days. |
int GetYears() const | Gets the time difference in years. |
void MakeAbsolute() | Makes the time difference absolute. |
void SetDifferenceBetween(const DateTime& in end, const DateTime& in begin) | Sets the time difference to the range between beginning and end. If begin is later than end, is negative. |
void SetTime(const DateTime& in time) | Sets the time difference to the range between 0 and time. |