
Safe way to point to CBaseEntities who may die between frames.

Type: Value


Declaration Description
void EHandle() Default constructs this handle.
void EHandle(const EHandle& in other) Copy constructs this handle.
void EHandle(CBaseEntity@ pEntity) Constructs this handle with a reference to the given entity.
bool IsValid() const Returns whether this handle is valid.
bool opImplConv() const Returns whether this handle is valid.
CBaseEntity@ GetEntity() const Gets the Entity this handle refers to.
Returns null if invalid.
CBaseEntity@ opImplCast() const Gets the Entity this handle refers to.
Returns null if invalid.
CBaseEntity@ opAssign(CBaseEntity@ pEntity) Assigns the given entity to this handle.
EHandle& opAssign(const EHandle& in other) Makes this handle refer to the same entity as the given handle.
int GetSerialNumber() const CBaseEntity serial number. Used to determine if the entity is still valid.