File class.
Is used to read from/write to files in disk.
Type: Reference
Declaration | Description |
bool IsOpen() const | Returns whether the file was successfully opened. |
void Close() | Closes the file if it is open. |
void Remove() | Removes the file. The file must be open, and you must have write access. |
size_t GetSize() const | Returns the size of the file. |
size_t Tell() const | Tells the position of the read/write pointer. |
size_t Seek(const size_t uiPosition, const SeekFileFlags_t uiSeekMode) | Sets the read/write pointer to a new position. Returns the new position within the file. |
bool EOFReached() const | Returns whether end of file was reached. |
string ReadCharacter() | Reads a single character. |
void ReadLine(string& out szOutLine, const string& in szDelim = ' ') | Reads a line from the file. |
bool Read(BLOB@ pBlob, size_t uiSizeInBytes) | Reads a number of bytes into the given BLOB. |
bool Read(BLOB@ pBlob) | Reads as much as possible data into the given BLOB. |
BLOB@ ReadBlob(size_t uiSizeInBytes, bool fCanResize = true) | Reads a number of bytes into a BLOB. |
BLOB@ ReadBlob() | Reads as much as possible data into a BLOB. |
void Write(const string& in szString) | Writes a string to the file. |
void Write(const BLOB@ pBlob) | Writes a blob to the file. |