
File class.
Is used to read from/write to files in disk.

Type: Reference


Declaration Description
bool IsOpen() const Returns whether the file was successfully opened.
void Close() Closes the file if it is open.
void Remove() Removes the file. The file must be open, and you must have write access.
size_t GetSize() const Returns the size of the file.
size_t Tell() const Tells the position of the read/write pointer.
size_t Seek(const size_t uiPosition, const SeekFileFlags_t uiSeekMode) Sets the read/write pointer to a new position. Returns the new position within the file.
bool EOFReached() const Returns whether end of file was reached.
string ReadCharacter() Reads a single character.
void ReadLine(string& out szOutLine, const string& in szDelim = ' ') Reads a line from the file.
bool Read(BLOB@ pBlob, size_t uiSizeInBytes) Reads a number of bytes into the given BLOB.
bool Read(BLOB@ pBlob) Reads as much as possible data into the given BLOB.
BLOB@ ReadBlob(size_t uiSizeInBytes, bool fCanResize = true) Reads a number of bytes into a BLOB.
BLOB@ ReadBlob() Reads as much as possible data into a BLOB.
void Write(const string& in szString) Writes a string to the file.
void Write(const BLOB@ pBlob) Writes a blob to the file.