CVar class

Type: Reference


Declaration Description
const string& GetName() const Gets the name of this command.
const string& GetFullyQualifiedName() const Gets the fully qualified name of this command. This is the name that the command is referred by when called.
const string& GetHelpInfo() const Gets the help info describing this command.
ConCommandKind::Type GetKind() const Gets the type of this console command.
const string& GetOwningModuleName() const Gets the name of the module that owns (created) this command.
bool HasBeenAdded() const Whether this command was added to the list of commands.
Must be added to be usable from the console.
CCVar@ CCVar(const string& in szName, float flValue = 0, const string& in szHelpInfo = "", const ConCommandFlags_t flags = ConCommandFlag::None, CVarCallback@ pCallback = null) Constructor
CCVar@ CCVar(const string& in szName, const string& in szValue, const string& in szHelpInfo = "", const ConCommandFlags_t flags = ConCommandFlag::None, CVarCallback@ pCallback = null) Constructor
const string& GetDefaultValue() const Gets the default value for this cvar.
const string& GetString() const Converts the value to a string.
float GetFloat() const Converts the value to a float.
int GetInt() const Converts the value to an integer.
bool GetBool() const Converts the value to a boolean.
void SetString(const string& in szValue) Sets the given string as the value.
void SetFloat(const float flValue) Sets the given float as the value.
void SetInt(const int iValue) Sets the given integer as the value.
void SetBool(const bool bValue) Sets the given boolean as the value.