CVar class
Type: Reference
Declaration | Description |
const string& GetName() const | Gets the name of this command. |
const string& GetFullyQualifiedName() const | Gets the fully qualified name of this command. This is the name that the command is referred by when called. |
const string& GetHelpInfo() const | Gets the help info describing this command. |
ConCommandKind::Type GetKind() const | Gets the type of this console command. |
const string& GetOwningModuleName() const | Gets the name of the module that owns (created) this command. |
bool HasBeenAdded() const | Whether this command was added to the list of commands. Must be added to be usable from the console. |
CCVar@ CCVar(const string& in szName, float flValue = 0, const string& in szHelpInfo = "", const ConCommandFlags_t flags = ConCommandFlag::None, CVarCallback@ pCallback = null) | Constructor |
CCVar@ CCVar(const string& in szName, const string& in szValue, const string& in szHelpInfo = "", const ConCommandFlags_t flags = ConCommandFlag::None, CVarCallback@ pCallback = null) | Constructor |
const string& GetDefaultValue() const | Gets the default value for this cvar. |
const string& GetString() const | Converts the value to a string. |
float GetFloat() const | Converts the value to a float. |
int GetInt() const | Converts the value to an integer. |
bool GetBool() const | Converts the value to a boolean. |
void SetString(const string& in szValue) | Sets the given string as the value. |
void SetFloat(const float flValue) | Sets the given float as the value. |
void SetInt(const int iValue) | Sets the given integer as the value. |
void SetBool(const bool bValue) | Sets the given boolean as the value. |