
3D Vector

Type: Value


Declaration Description
void Vector() Default constructs a 3D vector (0, 0, 0)
void Vector(const Vector& in vec) Copy constructs a 3D vector
void Vector(float x, float y, float z) Constructs a 3D vector from 3 floats
Vector& opAssign(const Vector& in other) Assign vector
Vector opNeg() const Negate vector
Vector opAdd(const Vector& in other) const Add vectors
Vector opSub(const Vector& in other) const Subtract vectors
Vector opMul(float fl) const Multiply vector by value
Vector opMul_r(float fl) const Multiply vector by value
Vector opDiv(float fl) const Divide vector by value
Vector opDiv_r(float fl) const Divide vector by value
float& opIndex(size_t uiIndex) Index operator
float opIndex(size_t uiIndex) const Index operator
bool opEquals(const Vector& in other) const Compare vectors
Vector opMul(const Vector& in other) const Multiply vectors
Vector opDiv(const Vector& in other) const Divide vectors
float Length() const Gets the length of this vector
float Length2D() const Gets the length of this vector in 2D
Vector Normalize() const Returns the normalized form of this vector
Vector2D Make2D() const Returns the 2D form of this vector
string ToString() const Returns a string representation of this vector


Declaration Description
float x Vector x variable
float y Vector y variable
float z Vector z variable