
Definitions for Regex Namespace


Namespace Name Description
Regex MatchResults Regular expression match results
Regex Regex Represents a regular expression
Regex SubMatch Regular expression submatch


Namespace Name Description
Regex FlagType Regular expression flags. These can be bitwise OR'd together to combine options.
Regex MatchFlagType Match format flags. These can be bitwise OR'd together to combine options.


Namespace Declaration Description
Regex bool Match(const string& in szString, const Regex@ pRegex, MatchFlagType flags = match_default) Performs are regular expression matching operation.
Returns true if the match succeeded, false otherwise
Regex bool Match(const string& in szString, MatchResults@ pResults, const Regex@ pRegex, MatchFlagType flags = match_default) Performs are regular expression matching operation.
Returns true if the match succeeded, false otherwise.
pResults will contain the results of the operation, if any.
Regex bool Search(const string& in szString, MatchResults@ pResults, const Regex@ pRegex, MatchFlagType flags = match_default) Returns whether some sub-sequence in the target sequence (the subject) matches the regular expression pRegex.
pResults will contain the results of the operation, if any.
Regex string Replace(const string& in szString, const Regex@ pRegex, const string& in szFormat, MatchFlagType flags = match_default) Makes a copy of the target sequence (the subject) with all matches of the regular expression pRegex (the pattern) replaced by szFormat (the replacement).