
Utility methods

Type: Reference


Declaration Description
void BloodStream(const Vector& in vecOrigin, const Vector& in vecDirection, int iColor, int iAmount) Creates a blood stream. Use BLOOD_COLOR enum for the color.
void BloodDrips(const Vector& in vecOrigin, const Vector& in vecDirection, int iColor, int iAmount) Creates blood drips. Use BLOOD_COLOR enum for the color.
Vector RandomBloodVector() Returns a random blood direction vector
bool ShouldShowBlood(int iBloodColor) Returns whether blood of the given type should be shown.
void BloodDecalTrace(TraceResult& in trace, int iBloodColor) Applies blood decal to the trace hit location
void DecalTrace(TraceResult& in trace, int iDecalNumber) Applies decal to the trace hit location
void PlayerDecalTrace(TraceResult& in trace, int iPlayerNum, int iDecalNumber, const bool bIsCustom) Applies player decal to the trace hit location
void GunshotDecalTrace(TraceResult& in trace, int iDecalNumber) Applies gunshot decal to the trace hit location
void Sparks(const Vector& in vecPosition) Creates sparks at the given location
void Ricochet(const Vector& in vecPosition, float flScale) Creates a ricochet at the given location
float WaterLevel(const Vector& in vecPosition, float minz, float maxz) Determines the Z level at which a water surface level is, given a position to start searching from and a range to search.
void Bubbles(const Vector& in vecMins, const Vector& in vecMaxs, int iCount) Creates a box filled with bubbles
void BubbleTrail(const Vector& in vecFrom, const Vector& in vecTo, int iCount) Creates a trail of bubbles
void StringToVector(Vector& out vecVector, const string& in szString, const char delimiter = char(' ')) Converts the given string to a vector
bool IsStringInt(const string& in szString) Returns whether the given string is an integer
bool IsStringFloat(const string& in szString) Returns whether the given string is a float
bool IsWholeNumber(const float flNum, int& out iRounded) Returns whether the given float is a whole number, and returns the rounded number
bool IsString3DVec(const string& in szString) Returns whether the given string is a 3D vector
void TraceLine(const Vector& in vecStart, const Vector& in vecEnd, IGNORE_MONSTERS igmon,edict_t@ pEntIgnore, TraceResult& out ptr) Calculates a trace along the given line, storing the results in ptr.
void TraceLine(const Vector& in vecStart, const Vector& in vecEnd, IGNORE_MONSTERS igmon,IGNORE_GLASS ignoreGlass, edict_t@ pEntIgnore, TraceResult& out ptr) Calculates a trace along the given line, storing the results in ptr.
void TraceHull(const Vector& in vecStart, const Vector& in vecEnd, IGNORE_MONSTERS igmon,HULL_NUMBER hullNumber, edict_t@ pEntIgnore, TraceResult& out ptr) Calculates a trace along the given line, storing the results in ptr, using the specified hull type.
void TraceToss(edict_t@ pEntity, edict_t@ pEntityToIgnore, TraceResult& out traceResult) Trace toss
bool TraceMonsterHull(edict_t@ pEntity, const Vector& in vecStart, const Vector& in vecEnd, IGNORE_MONSTERS igmon, edict_t@ pEntityToIgnore, TraceResult& out ptr) Trace monster hull. Returns true if the trace was entirely in a solid object, or hit something.
void TraceModel(const Vector& in vecStart, const Vector& in vecEnd, int iHullNumber, edict_t@ pEntityToIgnore, TraceResult& out ptr) TraceModel
string TraceTexture(edict_t@ pEntity, const Vector& in vecStart, const Vector& in vecEnd) Trace texture
CBaseEntity@ FindEntityForward(CBaseEntity@ pLooker, float flMaxDistance) Convience function that finds the entity that the given entity is currently looking at.
CBaseEntity@ FindEntityForward(CBaseEntity@ pLooker) Convience function that finds the entity that the given entity is currently looking at. Uses a maximum distance of 12048 units.
TraceResult GetGlobalTrace() Gets the global trace data stored in g_Engine as a TraceResult object.
bool IsPlayerInVolume(CBasePlayer@ pPlayer, CBaseEntity@ pEntityVolume) Returns whether the given player is in the given volume.
bool VoteActive() const Returns whether a vote is active. This only covers the votes started using the in-game vote menu, trigger_vote and the Vote class.
void GetCircularGaussianSpread(float& out x, float& out y) const Gets circular gaussian spread.
int CountPlayersInBrushVolume(const bool fIgnoreDeadPlayers, CBaseEntity@ pBrushVolume,int& out iOutPlayersInsideVolume, int& out iOutPlayersOutsideVolume, PlayerInVolumeListener@ pListener) Counts the number of players inside and outside a brush volume.
void FindHullIntersection(const Vector& in vecSrc, TraceResult& in inTr, TraceResult& out outTr,const Vector& in vecMins, const Vector& in vecMaxs, edict_t@ pEntity, float flDistance = 1e6f) Finds the hull intersection from a traceline in a given set of bounds. The bounds are relative to the input traceline's endpoint.
The given entity is the entity performing the traceline.
string BuildEntityLogString(const string& in szName, const string& in szUserID = NULL, const string& in szAuthID = NULL, const string& in szTeam = NULL) const Builds a generic entity log string.
string BuildPlayerLogString(const string& in szName, const string& in szUserID = NULL, const string& in szAuthID = NULL) const Builds a generic player log string.
string GetPlayerLog(edict_t@ pPlayerEdict) const Get a player log string.