entvars_t::flags constants
Name | Value | Description |
FL_FLY | 1 | Changes the SV_Movestep() behavior to not need to be on ground |
FL_SWIM | 2 | Changes the SV_Movestep() behavior to not need to be on ground (but stay in water) |
FL_CONVEYOR | 4 | If set, entities standing on this entity are moved as if this were a conveyor |
FL_CLIENT | 8 | If set, this is a player |
FL_INWATER | 16 | If set, this entity is in water. Only applies to players |
FL_MONSTER | 32 | If set, this is a monster |
FL_GODMODE | 64 | If set, this entity is invincible. Only applies to players |
FL_NOTARGET | 128 | If set, this entity will not be targeted by monster AI |
FL_SKIPLOCALHOST | 256 | Don't send entity to local host, it's predicting this entity itself |
FL_ONGROUND | 512 | At rest / on the ground |
FL_PARTIALGROUND | 1024 | not all corners are valid |
FL_WATERJUMP | 2048 | player jumping out of water |
FL_FROZEN | 4096 | Player is frozen for 3rd person camera |
FL_FAKECLIENT | 8192 | JAC: fake client, simulated server side; don't send network messages to them |
FL_DUCKING | 16384 | Player flag -- Player is fully crouched |
FL_FLOAT | 32768 | Apply floating force to this entity when in water |
FL_GRAPHED | 65536 | worldgraph has this ent listed as something that blocks a connection |
FL_IMMUNE_WATER | 131072 | If set, players don't take drown damage |
FL_IMMUNE_SLIME | 262144 | If set, players don't take damage from slime |
FL_IMMUNE_LAVA | 524288 | If set, players don't take damage from lava |
FL_PROXY | 1048576 | This is a spectator proxy |
FL_ALWAYSTHINK | 2097152 | Brush model flag -- call think every frame regardless of nextthink - ltime (for constantly changing velocity/path) |
FL_BASEVELOCITY | 4194304 | Base velocity has been applied this frame (used to convert base velocity into momentum) |
FL_MONSTERCLIP | 8388608 | Only collide in with monsters who have FL_MONSTERCLIP set |
FL_ONTRAIN | 16777216 | Player is _controlling_ a train, so movement commands should be ignored on client during prediction. |
FL_WORLDBRUSH | 33554432 | Not moveable/removeable brush entity (really part of the world, but represented as an entity for transparency or something) |
FL_SPECTATOR | 67108864 | This client is a spectator, don't run touch functions, etc. |
FL_NOWEAPONS | 134217728 | This client is being denied weapon usage |
FL_CUSTOMENTITY | 536870912 | This is a custom entity |
FL_KILLME | 1073741824 | This entity is marked for death -- This allows the engine to kill ents at the appropriate time |
FL_DORMANT | 2147483648 | Entity is dormant, no updates to client |