
Definitions for Hooks::Player Namespace


Namespace Declaration Description
Hooks::Player const uint32 PlayerPreDecal Called when a player attempts to spraypaint a decal onto a surface. The given trace result contains the surface information. Set bResult to false if the player shouldn't be able to spray.
Value: 3
Hooks::Player const uint32 PlayerDecal Called when a player is spraypainting a decal onto a surface. The given trace result contains the surface information.
Value: 4
Hooks::Player const uint32 GetPlayerSpawnSpot Called when a player is about to get a spawn point before (re)spawning.
Value: 5
Hooks::Player const uint32 PlayerPostThink Called when the player is processing post think events.
Value: 6
Hooks::Player const uint32 PlayerPreThink Called when the player is processing pre think events.
Value: 7
Hooks::Player const uint32 PlayerUse Called when the game is processing player use input. Note that this occurs even if the player has not pressed their use key.
Value: 8
Hooks::Player const uint32 PlayerLeftObserver Called when a player leaves observer mode.
Value: 9
Hooks::Player const uint32 PlayerEnteredObserver Called when a player enters observer mode.
Value: 10
Hooks::Player const uint32 PlayerKilled Called when a player is killed.
Value: 11
Hooks::Player const uint32 PlayerTakeDamage Called when a player takes damage. Note that the victim entity can't be changed at this point.
Value: 12
Hooks::Player const uint32 PlayerCanRespawn Called when the game wants to know if the player should be able to respawn or not.Set bCanRespawn to false to disallow, default true.
Value: 13
Hooks::Player const uint32 PlayerSpawn Called when a player (re)spawns.
Value: 14
Hooks::Player const uint32 ClientConnected Called when a player connects to the server. if bDisallowJoin is set to false, the player is disconnected. szRejectReason is shown to the player if disconnected. The maximum length of the reject reason string is 127 characters.
Value: 15
Hooks::Player const uint32 CanPlayerUseReservedSlot Called when a player connects to the server, and the number of slots left on the server is <= the number of reserved slots. Set bAllowJoin to true to allow the player to join (default false).
Value: 19
Hooks::Player const uint32 ClientSay Called when a player says something in game chat. The SayParameters class can be used to manipulate input and veto the message.
Value: 20
Hooks::Player const uint32 ClientPutInServer Called when a player has finished connecting and is put into the world. It is safe to send network messages to the player at this point.
Value: 21
Hooks::Player const uint32 ClientDisconnect Called when a player disconnects. Note that this is only called if the player was fully connected, meaning the player went through ClientPutInServer. This is never called for the local host.
Value: 22