Global Functions

Functions that are accessible at a global level.


Namespace Declaration Description
bool isalnum(char character) Returns whether character is alphanumeric.
bool isalpha(char character) Returns whether character is alphabetic.
bool iscntrl(char character) Returns whether character is control.
bool isdigit(char character) Returns whether character is a decimal digit character.
bool isgraph(char character) Returns whether character is graph.
bool islower(char character) Returns whether character is lower.
bool isprint(char character) Returns whether character is print.
bool ispunct(char character) Returns whether character is punctuality.
bool isspace(char character) Returns whether character is space.
bool isupper(char character) Returns whether character is upper.
bool isxdigit(char character) Returns whether character is a hexadecimal numeric character.
char tolower(char character) Converts the given character to lower case.
char toupper(char character) Converts the given character to upper case.
float atof(const string& in) Converts the given string to a float.
double atod(const string& in) Converts the given string to a double.
int atoi(const string& in, int radix = 10) Converts the given string to an integer.
int64 atoi64(const string& in, int radix = 10) Converts the given string to a 64 bit integer.
uint atoui(const string& in, int radix = 10) Converts the given string to an unsigned integer.
uint64 atoui64(const string& in, int radix = 10) Converts the given string to a 64 bit unsigned integer.
bool atobool(const string& in) Converts the given string to a boolean.
bool atobool(const string& in, bool& out fIsValid) Converts the given string to a boolean. fIsValid is true if the given string was a valid boolean value.
bool isalnum(const string& in) Returns whether character is alphanumeric.
bool isalpha(const string& in) Returns whether character is alphabetic.
bool iscntrl(const string& in) Returns whether character is control.
bool isdigit(const string& in) Returns whether character is digit.
bool isgraph(const string& in) Returns whether character is graph.
bool islower(const string& in) Returns whether character is lower.
bool isprint(const string& in) Returns whether character is print.
bool ispunct(const string& in) Returns whether character is punctuality.
bool isspace(const string& in) Returns whether character is space.
bool isupper(const string& in) Returns whether character is upper.
bool isxdigit(const string& in) Returns whether character is xdigit.
string tolower(const string& in) Converts the given character to lower case.
string toupper(const string& in) Converts the given character to upper case.
string formatInt(int64 value, const string &in options = "", uint width = 0) Formats a signed integer into a string.
The options string is a combination of the following characters:
'l' = left justify
'0' = pad with zeroes
'+' = always include the sign, even if positive
' ' = add a space in case of positive number
'h' = hexadecimal integer small letters
'H' = hexadecimal integer capital letters
string formatUInt(uint64 value, const string &in options = "", uint width = 0) Formats a unsigned integer into a string.
The options string is a combination of the following characters:
'l' = left justify
'0' = pad with zeroes
'+' = always include the sign, even if positive
' ' = add a space in case of positive number
'h' = hexadecimal integer small letters
'H' = hexadecimal integer capital letters
string formatFloat(double value, const string &in options = "", uint width = 0, uint precision = 0) Formats a double into a string.
The options string is a combination of the following characters:
'l' = left justify
'0' = pad with zeroes
'+' = always include the sign, even if positive
' ' = add a space in case of positive number
'e' = exponent character with small e
'E' = exponent character with capital E
bool snprintf(string& out szOutBuffer, const string& in szFormat) Prints the format string to the destination buffer. Uses SC printf formatting style.
bool snprintf(string& out szOutBuffer, const string& in szFormat, ?& in) Prints the format string to the destination buffer. Uses SC printf formatting style.
bool snprintf(string& out szOutBuffer, const string& in szFormat, ?& in, ?& in) Prints the format string to the destination buffer. Uses SC printf formatting style.
bool snprintf(string& out szOutBuffer, const string& in szFormat, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in) Prints the format string to the destination buffer. Uses SC printf formatting style.
bool snprintf(string& out szOutBuffer, const string& in szFormat, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in) Prints the format string to the destination buffer. Uses SC printf formatting style.
bool snprintf(string& out szOutBuffer, const string& in szFormat, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in) Prints the format string to the destination buffer. Uses SC printf formatting style.
bool snprintf(string& out szOutBuffer, const string& in szFormat, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in) Prints the format string to the destination buffer. Uses SC printf formatting style.
bool snprintf(string& out szOutBuffer, const string& in szFormat, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in) Prints the format string to the destination buffer. Uses SC printf formatting style.
bool snprintf(string& out szOutBuffer, const string& in szFormat, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in) Prints the format string to the destination buffer. Uses SC printf formatting style.
Regex bool Match(const string& in szString, const Regex@ pRegex, MatchFlagType flags = match_default) Performs are regular expression matching operation.
Returns true if the match succeeded, false otherwise
Regex bool Match(const string& in szString, MatchResults@ pResults, const Regex@ pRegex, MatchFlagType flags = match_default) Performs are regular expression matching operation.
Returns true if the match succeeded, false otherwise.
pResults will contain the results of the operation, if any.
Regex bool Search(const string& in szString, MatchResults@ pResults, const Regex@ pRegex, MatchFlagType flags = match_default) Returns whether some sub-sequence in the target sequence (the subject) matches the regular expression pRegex.
pResults will contain the results of the operation, if any.
Regex string Replace(const string& in szString, const Regex@ pRegex, const string& in szFormat, MatchFlagType flags = match_default) Makes a copy of the target sequence (the subject) with all matches of the regular expression pRegex (the pattern) replaced by szFormat (the replacement).
FileSystem bool FlagsValid(const OpenFileFlags_t uiOpenFlags) Returns whether the given open flags are valid.
FileSystem OpenFileFlags_t FilterFlags(OpenFileFlags_t uiOpenFlags) Filters the given flags, removing unnecessary flags.
FileSystem bool FormatOpenFlags(OpenFileFlags_t uiOpenFlags, string& out szOutFlags) Formats the open flags into a string that represents the flags.
CScheduler@ get_g_Scheduler() Gets the current script's scheduler.
float DotProduct(const Vector2D& in lhs, const Vector2D& in rhs) Returns a dot product of the given vectors
float DotProduct(const Vector& in lhs, const Vector& in rhs) Returns the dot product of the given vectors
Vector CrossProduct(const Vector& in, const Vector& in) Returns the cross product of the given vectors
int TrainSpeed(int iSpeed, int iMax)
bool FNullEnt(const edict_t@ pEnt) Checks edict for nullity
bool FNullEnt(entvars_t@ pev) Checks entvars for nullity
CSoundEnt@ GetSoundEntInstance() Gets the current global sound manager entity
CPathTrack@ PathTrackEntity_Instance(edict_t@ pEdict)
CPersistence@ get_g_Persistence() Gets the map script's persistence manager.
time_t UnixTimestamp() Gets the current time as a unix timestamp.
CModuleHookManager@ get_g_Hooks() Gets the current script's hook manager.
CModule@ get_g_Module() Gets the current script's module.